If I had a nickel for every time I saw people debating website hosting providers I would be a very, very, very rich man.
Don’t worry this page will help you reduce the stress and pick a hosting provider that fits your needs.
First off let me say thank you for reading this page. You probably landed on this page from another one of my posts. I did this for one simple reason. Even if I recommend a host in the past doesn’t mean I still recommend them so instead of updating every single post I made a central page that I will always keep current with my most recommended hosting providers.
You might ask why would you want to not recommend a host anymore? Well, its pretty simple hosting providers get sold, change their business model, pricing, and customer service. Endurance International Group (EIG) Hosting Company is known for buying a hosting company and optimizing their cost structures, IE firing expensive support staff. Here is a list of EIG companies to avoid.
Ok, I know how crazy and overwhelming it can be trying to figure the best website hosting provider. That is why I have my most recent hosting recommendations below.
I based my recommendations on a couple of different criteria: Customer Service, Hosting Speed, Uptime, and of course Cost.
Please note this post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase. This is, of course, at no cost to you, and I only share products that I use and love myself. Please read my disclaimer for more information.
Pick a category for more information & discounts
Wordpress Shared Hosting
This is the most affordable hosting you can find. These plans give you all the essential hosting features needed.
Perfect for:
- Getting started website
- Average-size blogs
- Local business websites
Wordpress Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting platforms are typically ultra fast, scalable resources and allow you to customize your plan.
Perfect for:
- E-commerce websites
- High traffic websites
- Web Development Agencies
My recommendations for WordPress Shared Hosting
SiteGround Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing at 70% off. Plans start at $3.95 per month
InMotion Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing at 37% off. Plans start at $4.99 per month
A2 Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing at 51% off. Plans start at $3.92 per month
Flywheel Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing. Plans start at $14 per month
Kinsta Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing. Plans start at $30 per month
WPEngine Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing. Plans start at $35 per month
My Recommendations for WordPress Cloud Hosting
Cloudways Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing. Plans start at $10 per month
SiteGround Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing at 70% off. Plans start at $80 per month
InMotion Hosting
Click the button below and receive special pricing at 30% off. Plans start at $27.99 per month